Mehmetcik Kutul Amare Season 1 With Urdu Subtitles


Mehmetcik Kutul Amare Season 1 With Urdu Subtitles

Mehmetçik Kut’ül-Amare Season 1 With Urdu Subtitles our brought the scent of Samarkand to Oo Söğüt. I’m glad you came, İbrahim Fakıh. Selamun aleykum. – Aleykumselam. welcome sir. – We’re welcome, we’re welcome. We have hot soup, please. Let’s say, Ibrahim Fakih, you said that less and more of a haram is one. You have saved my tradesman from a great difficulty. be there. We believe that Allah has taken the sustenance of His creatures upon Himself.

Mehmetcik Kutul Amare Season 1 With Urdu Subtitles

ways and not to follow the devil while on this way and not to deviate from forbidden ways. How well you said it, how well you said it… Satan is a believer’s oldest and most cruel enemy. A believer should make an effort not to give the devil a chance. You say right, Mehmetcik Kutul Amare Season 1 With Urdu Subtitles Osman Bey, the devil is such a fitna that he will lead the believer from his way. Brother beats brother. It takes on such disguises that it hides itself in such a way that it settles between your two eyebrows,


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but you still can’t see it. You don’t know until it bleeds

through your veins like poison. Grow up alps! Grow up, make a sound! It’s okay, Mari. Help! Help! Brown Abdal! Catch up with Selcan mother! Help! Turgut! Turgut, our baby, our baby! I won’t put the baby or you, Mari, I won’t, Brown Abdal will heal you. Mari. Do not go! Don’t go Mari. Don’t go, my beautiful. My Mari, don’t go. Don’t go, my beautiful. I’m Mari. Mari! – Mari girl! What happened? Kumral Abdal, please tell me something. Let’s say Mari didn’t go,

let’s say Mari is fine. Say something. There is nothing

to do, Mr. Turgut. Who did? Oh my beautiful! Come on, wake up my beautiful fairy! Don’t go, mother of my baby. I couldn’t protect mother. I couldn’t protect my woman, I couldn’t protect my baby. What kind of father am I? How am I, sir, Selcan mother? I couldn’t protect them! I couldn’t protect you! – Do not son! Oh my beautiful! I couldn’t protect.

They killed They poisoned him

you kill him! How did you do it! How! You did! – Cornelia! Let the cornelia stop! What do you think? They poisoned them! Who would do this for what? They poisoned!  Know your limits! What do you think? They killed Mari! You say you come from Samarkand. Where do you go? I want to go to Konstantiye. Our faces are turned towards the Garba. We, too, would like to honor knowledge in Söğüt. You stay here. Why do you want me to stay here, Osman Bey?

The state cannot be established without science.

Surely we have a scholar. But there will never be a state where the number of jurists is not equal to the number of alps. That’s why you stay here. Even if it is established, it cannot stand. Science and genius wisdom cannot win the case of cihangir without putting on two wings. We are also happy when we see those who stand up to the same cause as us . May your knowledge be blessed in Söğüt. my sheikh. my sheikh. Selamun aleykum. And aleykükum Osman Bey.

My Sheikh Ibrahim Fakih. His way fell from Samarkand

to Söğüt. Ibrahim Faqih. Ibrahim Faqih. I don’t remember sending you an invitation. But you brought joy. The light of the Oghuz is Sheikh Edebali. The guest’s invitation is welcome. Also, Osman Bey wants me to land in Söğüt. Thank you so much for getting to know you. I would like to have a long conversation with you, İbrahim Fakih. With pleasure, Sheikh Edebali. Akca dervish made preparations at the inn. Let’s go there and have a chat. my sheikh.

Here you are. They poisoned it. They poisoned my wife,

my baby. Let’s move Mari inside first. It’s not that big of a deal. I promise we will find out who did it! Let’s go, let us carry it. Alps! Let’s carry it first. Come on, sheep, come on. Mr. Turgut! Daytime. Daytime!  Why Daytime? What do you say, Osman Season 1

Turgut! Why would I do such a job! You did it before,

you did it again! What do you want from us, Day! What did you want from me! Look at what’s going on. They fell into each other before we even touched it. Gündüz! Let Turgut stop! How can I stop!

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