Mehmetçik Kut’ül-Amare Season 1

Mehmetçik Kut’ul Amare Season 1 Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitles

Mehmetçik Kut’ul Amare Season 1 Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitles

Let me buy the Melikşah domed. it will be your throne. Even if we lose that Roman stone. Melikşahoğlu will not be able to use it against you. When Ziraat takes the throne. it will have to return from the cover campaign. don’t do anything mitras now more than ever we need each other It’s alright For now. Elephant Melikşah leaves aside your loss of Greek fire supplies that I won’t give you and the elephant Melikşah for now. but this Turan’s raid on Spain right now is very important to us.

Mehmetçik Kut’ul Amare Season 1 Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitles

I will set an ambush on the way of Melikşah with my armies. so that cnq will be able to enter wl. he will not be able to return to ishana. but tomorrow we will go out on the tower expedition by the order of our sultan. Our hearts are at ease. albeit a bit. in the long run Ali my brother. on the way to izze. Allah shcek has become a brother. t. This is nonsense. He is also a part of our family Sultan Melikşah’s claw Ali Zorlu’s pieces happen to you. his human is bigger than that.

he is only Turkish. but ho Isn’t one of the parts

that gives you the greatest pain. stop. family is like a tree. brother. even if winter hits and it sheds its leaves. its future blms. We separated from my father for years. We went through many tests on the way we went on behalf of us. we lived under a tent. You say. Your Excellency. this water is taken from love. if we hit it in many winters. even if it comes out on stones. it is flowers in steam . You never lose your respect for your office and subjects. But when you have war.


you feel pain or when you sit at a table. you immediately

find family warmth. What is it? It’s that you’re a family that’s full of fire In the hearth There are many secrets about the meaning of this family. there are many wisdoms Ali Ocak means family. it means conversation . it is to say. a January brings the family to the individual. gathers them around. a stress overcks. we cut. heal the wounds with the fire in the hearth. bermonds. in a nest If the hearth is going. peace there there is abundance. there is unity. there is mercy. Kurulus Osman Season 5 Episode 1 In English there is a family. what is important for a family is to be able to stay a notebk like the fire arms in the hearth against storms.

The most salacious Nuri voice of the families is the family

of our Prophet. so what is Ehlibeyt Bir la Feta İlla Ali la seyfe İlla Zülfikar We are someone like Hazrat Ali There is no sword like a speaker. gd B May Allah grant everyone the ability to be a Family Father like our Prophet Ali . this is his wife Fatma . to marry with Saliha jobs like our mother. to have gd children like Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Hussein. He claimed that he will take the throne. fashion Tomorrow will be ambushed on the Sultan’s expedition So that the Sultan can neither go to the dome L. +

nor return to Isfahan . stay between a couple of fires.

and there will be a language. everything depends on whether Turan Shah is from the team melikşah tomorrow. or if you have enough strength. Turan Shah Let him give his support. We will do whatever we can. no from your enemies. Hasan. you keep the mornings. he didn’t judge Let him listen to me first. It’s like I’m the plate of middle-income families. who opened your eyes. so that my eyes will be opened Who do you think sent Sancar’s word to you ?

Mehmetçik Kut’ul Amare Season 1 Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitles

is the right trouble Aha we got the sherem dice with his help we bought you later sherem Zara because I bought you sherem Zara we got a sword about me Thanks to the game. we cornered Malikshah Şener does not leave time in the morning with you more as now a full snow a trouble let’s shut up all the preparations are ok we can go on the road I will set out for me and lead our army. please. it’s time to step on. did these soldiers set up an ambush on both sides of the road ?

Yes sir. everyone. this irrigation song will never

come out of our daughter. they will never leave strong. its rts always go deeper by splitting the soil. the rt leaves the tree and increases its strength . Mehmetçik Kut’ul Amare Season 1 Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitles then it becomes a big tree this to Kaysa under the prawn thinks you’ve stopped him Sht ha ha Let’s get torn with the ground tonight Let’s get out Faysal reverse Durali Who sent you this escape is over Hasan Sabah we have your coffee in our hands Do you have Yes sir those who watch say they

haven’t seen the melikşahı men yet this Melikşah

should have passed this way long ago. Where times Melikşah Yes to all the soldiers who are scattered everywhere at the moment. the lineups are in order. kill them. First Palace will be raided and we will pass with the throne. the family babies. the soldiers where went. there is no one in the city. we are here ha ha we wait for you with these swords. You trap me. Lk.

Mehmetçik Kut’ul Amare Season 1 Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitles

hyenas think the wolves have retreated and go down to the square But they don’t know that these wolves are lying in ambush to tear them apart. What if the tower said I was going to go and I would mist the air knowingly? You t fell into the square like a hyena It’s going to come down on your head like this.

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