Kurulus Osman Season 4 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In UrduWatch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Now Watch Complete Episode 107 In Urdu by Makkitv On Thursday , we were also together in Marmarajak. It’s not supposed to be this way. But the problem is not the same castle, Conor? The one who turns his back on us after making the fort a problem, is not one of us Jerkotai. Talking about turning our back on the one we trusted! Mr. Turgut’s heart is broken. And what will you do when your heart is broken? We will attack the infidels and cure our grief. Mr. Torgut knows this, he will come. Whether to come or not,

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Subtitles

it’s their choice, but they should set us under siege. And need more weapons. Situation should not be in their hands. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu This should not happen at all. Come and join us with your soldiers and weapons. What will Mr. Usman do if he does not give engagement? Usman Sahib is coming. Mr. Turgut didn’t give the magic sir. Anagol was honored, Mother Sultana Hazrat. But we were not waiting for you. They inform before the guest arrives. Great Seljuk,

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since when did Turgut Sardar start giving news of coming and going to his own kingdom? Since we took our eyes off the borders, there have been a lot of changes. Usman Sahib’s most magnificent property, surely Anna is round. Anagol is owned by me. By saying this. They want me to stand against Usman Sahib. So you wanna add me to your line, that’s the point? Mother Sultana, this matter, brothers matter. If you are looking for a traitor against Usman, go and search somewhere else. You got me wrong Turgut Sardar. I just wanted to visit Usman Sahib’s property. You are one of the leaders under Usman Sahib’s leadership.

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Nothing is greater than their shadow. And those who live in shadows, get used to darkness. I have lost many of my soldiers to Anna Gol. I have buried a lot of soldiers with my own hands. Flag hoisting by me at Anagol. I’ve heard of Turgut Sardar, I’ve heard it. You have sacrificed your wife and child for this cause. Despite all this, you did not betray Usman Sahib. Exactly why, I, want to see you in my row as a chief. You are different from Usman Sahib. You are just asking for your right.

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You’re only seeking revenge for the blood that was offered. You asked for your rights, so what did Usman Sahib do? They didn’t ignore, Turgut Sardar? Where’s the blood revenge offered by your veterans? Well that’s how it is Turgut, yeah! So our brotherhood, Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu was just up to a castle, you have betrayed me. I can forgive the betrayer. Unless. But you have rebelled against our purpose. For the purpose of Islam, those who worship the idol of their “ego/me” will never be forgiven.

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Look into your own heart. Look at everything in the heart. The one who has his own self in his heart, has the idol of his “me”. Let him go. Been sitting at the devil’s table. Those who gossip with their friends, go away from here. Those who don’t have heart and liver, go away from here. Instead of going along with cowards. Walking alone is much better. We are with you Mr. Usman. If the Manjaniqs do not reach by the evening. So I will blow the neck of Mr. Turgut. May the work be easy, chic lady. You shouldn’t have looked at my thing aq taimoor. Now your blood is halal for me.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Subtitles

It is important to move fast before the bird flies away from the nest. -Bless in business bengay lady. I am free, I want to talk to you two things. Al Chechik, take Asma with you and bring ready goods. It’s okay Mr. Binder, what are you hiding? Well, well, well, though. Know it’s not the right place though. If you wait more, the matter will get worse, I know this. What are you talking about, speak clearly. Long time we know each other. Oktam Sardar knows me and you too, I also know you people. I would like to call your daughter All Chick’s relationship. What are you saying Mr. Binder?

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You haven’t said anything like this yet. Now from where did this drop? Continuously saying that I won’t go anywhere without eating your Walima. I am old enough too. So I asked myself why you and Oktam Sardar don’t become relatives. There will be no mistake, God willing. However, this is not to be said to me, but to Mr. Oktam. It will definitely happen, it will happen though. Let me tell you binge lady. Mr. Oktam, we don’t listen to anyone more than you in this world. And we will ask for a relationship at the right time.

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Come with mother Sultana to seek the relationship of Al Chechik. Let’s go, stay healthy and safe. All the chic lady, where will you go now? Koyon Hesar, Kopri Hesar, Lafka and Chadarli. There is a possibility of Usman’s attack on these places. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Lefka is the strongest position among all of them. After defeat in Marmarajik, precautionary measures have been increased in the rest of the places. You Chadarli and I will go to Kopri. If Usman attacks anywhere other than them.

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So we will gather our armies at the place of “black stone” and move on. If Binder finds out the location of the attack, our work will be easy. Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 106 In Urdu Binder will be the end of it. Olof, I need the assurance of your loyalty. In the war against these wild Muslims, leave idolatry, and become a Christian. Then I will be sure of your loyalty. My ancestors leaving their religion. But I can’t promise this thing.

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We need Enagol’s logics to cross the verdicts. So you are saying that if there is no logic, there is no victory, right? They will get the bangs. Whether with love or force. Mr. Turgut is coming.Our ears and eyes in Yeni city, are open Sultana. Without our knowledge even a bird can not fly its wings. Means our mutual friends, have known me a long time ago. A snake named Ferrag, she is a female. Deceiving everyone with their fairy face. But it appeared to me.

Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 107 In Urdu Makkitv

Better weapon than snake, no one can use, Binder. For a common goal, we will move forward together. After the end of Usman. As a Ferrag, you will be able to live freely. Now we have the same goals. So believe that I will move forward together with you, Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 In English Mother Sultana. You will be considered the loyal soldiers of Rome. And then you will get everything you want. Loyalty to the Romans, by sacrificing their brother, I have proved it. But I will think about it.

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