Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles

Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles My brother! We did it so that it would explode in the infidel’s chest. We have this as well. I’ll be sent off with our own gun. Shh, what a farewell brother, what a farewell! Where do you go before Inegol rumbles? I wish that too, brother Cerkutay. Conquests will be without me, but my heart is at ease. There will be conquests. Brother! Let me say to my brother, my lord, let my lord give his right. Brother! Turks are not prisoners.

It dies free Gone! Gone Cerkutay gone! Akça

shepherd Akça shepherd Akça shepherd. The principality ruled by Osman will be shattered like its alps. We’re just getting started, Barkin. Osman did not die. But he will watch his reputation and loved ones vanish. We would say whoever he trusted, but Kosses and Turgut came out despite everything. Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles  It means we’re not attacking hard enough, Barkın. You will not stop until their swords are pointed at each other. There will not be a single place where they have not been hit.

Sleepers awakened. And he set fire to his Khan

with the ammunition they dreamed of conquering. It will explode as soon as someone walks in. You slithered among them like a snake, Cornelia. No, I’m just a loyal poor guy They brought Mari here too. What you learned from Mari will be very useful to us. Thanks to you, we will shoot Osman with his own gun. But no one will even think of it.

Who can be harmed by an orphan who mourns for his wife?

You will do more harm, Cornelia too. Too much. While we blow up Söğüt, you will play a trick on Gündüz. If you succeed, everyone will believe that Gündüz burned Söğüt to escape. Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles This will be very easy. I’m destroying everything, not just your people, sir. By this time Cornelia must have finished her work. Oh my beautiful Cornelia. There is nothing he can’t do. What if Osman forgives Gündüz? Osman cannot face all this pressure and forgive Gündüz. It will kill him.

We will reveal Gündüz’s innocence and burn Osman’s heart.

Will he kill her? If he does not kill him, neither Kosses nor Turgut will forgive him. In this case, they will kill Gündüz. Barkin, those who do not participate in the war win the war. In this war, we are not the ones who fight, but the ones who start the war. Darkness always wins. Give this poison to Cornelia. A poison that even the most adept healer cannot understand. Odorless, invisible.



We will hasten the extinction of that weak light of Oghuz.

Willow will surrender to a dark fiction. Whoever did this.  We have external enemies. We crushed them with our pusats. But. but this is a demon hiding in the dark business. We will be on the alert! Let that devil hide. I will speak the language he understands. The other way is over, Gündüz Bey, we will return to the camp.

You cannot escape justice. Selvi Hatun, we run for justice,

we run to justify ourselves! Day sir! Don’t force it. If so, you had no other choice. girl. Are you going to kill me too, Ayşe lady? Run away, sir! Ayse! Lets! We did not find any traces, and they personally searched my alps everywhere. The person who made the explosion is someone who knows Söğüt well. It’s not enough to say slice, but one of us. I don’t know that, Osman Bey,

whoever betrays once will do it again. Tell me,

does anyone know Söğüt better than Gündüz? This is such a big game that it’s a devilish game. I don’t know who the enemy is! But I know his cruelty well. My brother is not cruel. Of course it falls into heedlessness! But he would never do such a disgrace. Ahiyana will never kill a dervish! There is evidence, Osman Bey. It is Gündüz who killed my family. Is there a destur, sir?

Buyuk Selcuklu Season 1 Episode 18 In Urdu Subtitles

Bismillah. you should say What happened to Akça? Trap. They set a trap for the tent, sir. Akca shepherd was martyred. What do you say! Akca. Baysungur. They killed the protection alps too, sir. What’s new, they didn’t put anything behind. They also burned the catapults, sir. Akca. Akca. This is such an enemy.

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