Haci Bayram Veli Series With Urdu Subtitles

Haci Bayram Veli Series Episode 14 With Urdu Subtitles

Haci Bayram Veli Series Episode 14 With Urdu Subtitles

Haci Bayram Veli Series Episode 14 With Urdu Subtitles Like this. let’s fill it a little bit like this. You know that patience is the key to happiness. Let’s see what prophet comes to mind when you say patience. my Omar. this is my thing for our Prophet Eyüp and his patience is famous in the world. Couldn’t he separate him for worship and obedience. his patience was so great that God praised His angels with his patience. even the sky is full of heaven. the devil prayed to the truth in this person who saw greatness and majesty.

Haci Bayram Veli Series Episode 14 With Urdu Subtitles

And he said. try it. the devil first tried on Eyüp’s property. He thought that you could lead him astray with his property. out again House Aleyhisselam’s cattle are there Grass ? He cried out that his cattle perished. and then he came to Eyüp Aleyhisselam again. And what do you see. the angels are still with you in prostration . but the angels do not call out. but you lie down with your head in prostration.

But He has given up on your worship and holiday with Hakta.

He got angry with you and killed all your animals on the mountain here in prostration. How long will you lie here in prostration this Thank you salam prayer My interest with one devilish lavar Please I have a weak arm urgently take down the Master of your arm The master has broken the cattle for me What about my arm And my servant said I will go and he prostrated again. the accursed devil. oh lk.

Let’s test with the devil again These nine daughters

of Eyüp ‘alaihis-salam’ were halal and they came to Eyüp Aleyhisselam again. And Is Allah still the One who is God Make a creator and give life He said. ‘The one who kills the bottom’ said. And again he prostrated himself. and the devil Eyup ‘alaihis-salam’. who could not seduce him. prayed to Allah . O Lord. what great patience you gave to his servant. I completely destroyed his property.

Let me hold your body  this right taala my schl ordered

it for me and was ahead on my holiday You ca n’t deceive it This heart is in my power I have the power to enter it God will be with him. the following issues God has shaken us all deeply Let me leave my mail does not come with hugs. it continues. a sermi Derli tight office is in front of all of you before Numan Efendi is given halal work from Numan Efendi If so.

Haci Bayram Veli Series Episode 14 With Urdu Subtitles

what are your rights. please let it be gd Master Gd for you. number Sir Estafurullah Efendis. let the tradesmen be halal and the late M Melike Hatun has decided that the post of tertiary professor of the remaining madrasah. which was founded by the council. will be continued by Numan Efendi with the cperation of Rey. this Tahsin Efendi madrasah Gd luck to us God bless you Master Very thank you Thank you very much.

Haci Bayram Veli Series Episode 14 With Urdu Subtitles

we said where is he stuck He is neither mine nor an almond But is there anyone who cares Thank you. his gaze was a speck from my dream Cihan May the evil eye be upon him . so let me see A Ha ha ha ha ha ha hu hu hu hu Ya leave it for fd, not for it oh my God this is the result of our sight seeing. Father won’t you see, he will come with his own feet He will come with his own feet.

But if he speaks let’s prove it now we know who he is.

From now on, it’s easy I’ll leave half of to me. Let me see But how can you to me What is he trying to do Daddy in front of the neighborhd will I turn me off the road think of you hold me down If you scold me like that in front of the crowd Mazda won’t get angry t sambata way is the right way my mistake thank you Music is a right, is it right? why don’t you let me go, seriously.

What will happen if you go?

Are you holding a pencil number Sir, you need a man holding a hand dagger to deal with the bandit part, you say you’re right, but standing like this is accepting the slander. I said that we will set a trap to attract him, because he will come with his own ft is not said in vain,

because nine-tenths of the war is with the woman I couldn’t tell you either Ayşe Hatun Eşkiya is after you. Music 16 check if you go, I will come t will read Daughter how was it tomorrow to me You are no I’m superior

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