Kurulus Osman Season 4 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Now

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles NowKurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Your wound is deep. The cure for this wound is hidden in the verses of your Lord . take refuge in your Lord. Keep your gonca alive here. You can read the Quran a lot, my Boran. How is it? You look beautiful. Very nice. Bala Hatun, she gave it. Thank you, have it. A little Mari. I should have said this earlier, but everything was so rushed. When I saw you for the first time, I said this girl is going to cause big trouble for me. Now Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1n Urdu Subtitles

You opened it but if you are with me all these difficulties

seem nice to me. It won’t be easy. Which one is easy to love? Here I am with you through all these difficulties and troubles. Owner of my heart, will you be my dear companion, Mari? After being with you, I will endure any hardship , Turgut. You should call Gunduz Bey. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles I have an important matter that I want to talk to him about . But be warned, Osman will not hear. Let Koses be informed that Mari will be handed over . At your command, Your Royal Highness. Write to our Sultan.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

of seven climates and four seasons , as your shadow, my words do not affect the notorious butcher of Osman, son of Ertuğrul Gazi . Your rebel servant, Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles who is disobedient to this obedience, is trading with the unauthorized governor of Iznik, Sagaros. The sea of heedlessness he is in is so wide that the Harma kaya Tekfuru even olds the sister of Ultimate Koses hosta e in his hands. His moves are against the people of Seljuks and you, our Sultan. I fear that the rebel named

Osman will condemn us to be crushed between

the Mongols and Kayseri, the Greek . My main fear is that he is not content with being a principal and falling in love with establishing a state. All the trouble he has caused is due to this greed. It is obligatory to be imprisoned and sentenced immediately. May Allah keep the life of our sultan, the khan of the khans, forever, whatever his will and will have been related to the goodness of Allah . Kurulus Osman Season 3 In Urdu He will go with the pigeon. The ink on it will reach the sultan before it dries. There was no time to ask, Osman Bey.

The state is sovereign. Even if you ask, he says it’s a secret. It’s secret. How long has it been since? Will he send his most loyal soldier to Konya? Who knew other than me that you would meet the sultan, my sheikh? How will that Koses iti know the route? It was not a secret that we went to Konya. Our intention was secret. Do you have any thoughts, Osman BEy?

It is obvious that Konur alpin was there at that moment,

and when he arrived in Konya, he understood that he would be in for a job. I will put one of my alps after Alem Shah. You need to know what it does. When there is no proof, what is the use of words in the language, Osman Bey? The truth will come out sooner or later. The servant must also strive. I will go to Konya again as soon as possible. When he arrives in Konya, the game of the vizier will be obvious. Those who want to start the title must first overcome their arrogance. Mr Gunduz.

You are so past your self that you even gave up

your right to be a principality . Vizier Alem Shah. If your intention is to create duality in Kayi and change power, you are at the wrong door. My intention is to unite, not divide. It is to unite all Turkmen under the great Seljuk sanjak. This requires stability first. His brother’s case of conquest undermines this stability. When was it a waste to conquer and expand the Turkish territory? Our old strength is gone. The Mongolian dries up our marrow. If Konya falls, you will fall too.

Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

. Especially for a chick. It is custom. Life is given, shelter is not given. The custom is to act for the survival of the state . The custom is to take action to ensure the health safety of the people. This is the rite. It is not for a chick to watch the camp burn ! Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Compass from Kayseri Greek. Rogatos is now in Constantinople. They form an army. They will raze all the tribes to the ground. What should be done now? We will commit a good evil, I have beautiful fabrics. From this, from this. From this.

This is nice too, give it to me. It will suit my beautiful daughter. I don’t know how to thank you, you care as if I’m your sister, as if I’m your own daughter. What could it be like, girl? You are our daughter. You are our sister, just like every chick in Oba is our sister. Since you will be the wife of a Turkish gentleman, then let us tell you about our customs . You get it ready for us, Watch Kurulus Osman Season 4 In Urdu we’ll take it. A finger of honey is placed in the bride’s mouth so that her mouth will be sweet. What are you doing, Cerkutay?

What is given, what is given I learn them all.

We have a wedding soon. Mashallah to my son, mashallah. Thanks mom. Need to know. Come on Cerkutay, go. Don’t bother us. I’ll remind you later. Sercan, Kurulus Osman Season 4 Release Date is honey given for the sweet tongue ? He son, but you are not needed. We will give honey to those who need it. Let’s remember, let’s buy millet, fresh fresh. Let’s get it. Let’s buy, let’s buy it so that both the tent and the camp will be fruitful. But let’s take a lot. There will be some need. Aygul girl, you do your job too.

Let’s look at other jobs. Why do you buy millet, crazy girl?

Aha, I’ll buy it for that, Cerkutay. Crazy boy. The greatest sultan of seven climates and four seasons . In these extremes where I am your region, my words will not affect the notorious butcher of Osman, son of Ertuğrul Gazi. The Harman Kaya tekfuru holds even the ultimate Koses’ Now Watch Episode One Of Kurulus Osman Season 4 sister hostage. His moves are against the people of Seljuks and you, our sultan. It is obligatory to be imprisoned and sentenced immediately. Mr. Osman. How can you be such a blunder?

I entrusted my armies to you . You destroyed my trust in you.

It is the Sultan’s Edict. May you bring the notorious rebel of Osman into custody as soon as possible . It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you so happy , sir. God bless you always. Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Thanks. But it’s your turn, Kutan. Get the news. I hope sir. It’s good that we united with the Kayı tribe, sir. It is. From now on, both our pusat and our hearts are on Osman Bey’s way and under his command, Kutan. oh my god! There is a party outside. The people of the sentence wait for the wedding. Dirilis Erturul Ghazi

With God’s grace, we’ll get it done. You burden

our shoulders with an unpaid debt. Our debt will not be a burden on your shoulders. May you exist, Osman Bey. No, brother? where do you come from From Söğüt, Kurulus Osman In Urdu Subtitles Osman Bey. What would you do in Söğüt? Things we do all the time, Osman Bey. I just got around. I have some work. If you allow me, I will pass, Osman Bey. Late bro. Late. Oh Osman! Lets! You’re welcome, stop now, Nikola. I’ve run out of patience, Koses. I see it, Nikola. But don’t worry, the queen will keep her word.

He will bring Mari to us. I bring the greetings of Vizier Alem Shah. His majesty said he would give Mari to you. Beautiful. Convey our gratitude to the Vizier Shah. Finally! Mari is coming! My friend? When are we having that wedding? Right now, Koses! I will not make you regret it. I will take very good care of my dear Mari Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 1 In Urdu

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