Watch Barbrossa Season 2 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Barbaros Hayreddin (Barbrossa) In Urdu SubtitlesWatch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Now Watch On Makkitv In Hd Quailty and Facebook Barbroslar How can you do such a thing, Mehmet? What did you disclose? There was a new line that was to be built to Aqaba. It was the state’s secret, Sister. It is a secret. Sultan. The Dutch.did not only prevent the Muslims in Aceh from going on pilgrimage. They said.remove the crescent on your flag. They also prohibited any sermons about the Ottoman Caliph. Nevertheless, the Muslims in Aceh.

Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

have sworn allegiance to our caliph. We don’t follow any prohibitions, they said. A nation in the middle of a vast ocean.has believed in God and His Messenger.and has sworn allegiance to us. We should be beside them as much as we can. But it seems that this is not enough. Sultan. The most significant issues for now is the prohibition of pilgrimage. This is the issue. To be able to go there. For this reason, we care about the railroad, Pasha. A railroad from Hejaz to Istanbul.

Barbroslar Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

It will connect to Baghdad and India from there. From there to Aceh Island with a ship. I’m sorry, Sultan. We are bound hand and foot in the issue of those going on pilgrimage from Aceh. Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu SubtitlesThis hurts me, Sultan. Besides, However, we will prevent this. Son. Go home where Hiram communicates with the Vatican. New orders have arrived, investigate. As you command, Sultan. Let’s go and ask Hiram. Why does he want to kill us? Come in. When my grandfather Fatih Sultan Mehmet was still a little child,

Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

when his name was still Mehmet.he made a mistake. When his father found out.he said that this boy may never be a man. When Aksemseddin heard this, he said. What does your father say and what does fate say? Fate was correct.  was right. Barbrossa Season 2 Bolum 1 In Urdu Subtitles Fate gave my grandfather a good path. This boy grew up. And became Fatih. If only I were mistaken when I said this boy will not be a man. Sir. I am ashamed that I upset you. It is not about upsetting me. How can you take Ahsen to Sara?

Barbrossa Season 2 Episode One In Urdu Subtitles

Aren’t you aware of the consequences? Sultan. I was not aware of this. Are you not aware? The girl does not remember her past. You cannot see the consequences of having someone.we have captured here remind her of her past? Barbrossa Season 1 In English Subtitles You destroy everything! Why did you do that? Sultan. Why did you do that? Sultan. Ahsen thought that you killed her father. Did you tell her that? No. But I think she recalled. I told her that you would not do that. I told her that you would not take an innocent life.

Barbrossa Season 2 Bolum 1 In Urdu Subtitles

I thought perhaps she would understand the truth if she spoke to Sara. Sultan. The palace has been searched thoroughly. But Ahsen is nowhere to be found. Do you know where she is? When I was your age, Prince.I did not concern myself with such insignificant matters. Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles I was busy with trade. I did horse riding. I practised shooting. I followed world politics. And you? What are you concerned with? You cannot even succeed in it. Pasha, Pasha. Our thirtyyear secret is lost again.

Barbrossa Season Tow Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

The secret that will lead us to our spy in The lost. The coffee is great. It invites people to chat. What is the reason of your visit, Pasha? The honour of speaking with you. is more important than everything, Pasha. But this untimely death of the Ottoman Bank’s Manager.deeply shook me. It is God’s plan, Pasha. Does death accept excuses? This is true. Our pain is deep. But the state’s affairs shall carry on. What have you done, Pasha?

Barbroslar Season 2 Episode One In Urdu Subtitles

Could you appoint a suitable manager in place of the one that passed away? I have appropriate, meritorious, skilled candidates in mind for this duty. But our Sultan shall take the final decision. For God’s sake. We cannot delegate everything to the Sultan. He is the head of the state, Mahmut Pasha. The head shows the way. And the feet follow along. You are the grand vizier of this state. You are no scarecrow. I have my own duties and skills. But. Watch Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

Download Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles

You are the great grand vizier after all. Only one manager is assigned to a bank. Not two. Each duty has its people. If the Sultan is the head of this statue have no saying in that. Barbrossa Season 2 Episode 1 In Urdu Subtitles Pasha. Our Sultan has too much on his plate. Shouldn’t we help him? Shouldn’t we lift his burden? I have a candidate for this task. You will thank me. His name is Parafoil Hasan. He had received his education in England and France. He is a very talented individual.

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This name sounds very familiar. You know him. He started a usury business with a tiny amount of money. He earned a lot of wealth in a short amount of time. Alparslan Season 2 In Urdu Subtitles He is a talented, capable individual. Well… You owe him a sum of money. You have trouble paying. I know, Pasha. I am aware. not worry. We can take care of this. It is a sin to assign a usurer as a bank manager,

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Pasha. But. My senses tell me otherwise, Pasha. This man is knowledgeable about economics. He will be of great use to the bank. Moreover. He will also clear your debt. Kurulus Osman Season 4 In Urdu Subtitles Impossible. Debt is debt. This will be a bigger sin. I won’t be able to live with it. But, Pasha. My feelings tell me otherwise. You don’t have to pay this man.

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